Today I want to share with you the small pleasures which brighten my every day life.

I like to be delighted by the little things in life and here are the ones I love the most…

Drink my almond or soy flat white or dirty chai, extra hot, with a pinch of dark cacao in top, medium size
Yes, I’m a coffee snob and I’m not even ashamed of it 😌☕️ I love my coffee a certain way and beware if you get if wrong… – only joking, I’ll accept to drink a cap or a latte, I’m not that bad 😜
The smell of a fresh coffee, freshly brewed in the morning is one of the best things on earth and if you make/bring me a coffee – in bed would be a must – there’re many chances I’ll love you forever and erect a statue in your honour.
And not kidding, without coffee my life – and yours if you’re around – can be a nightmare.

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When the barista don’t even ask for your name and order anymore, you know you’ve got a coffee problem 😜

Watch the sunrise and/or sunset
Here’s one of my absolute favorite activity ever 😍 It is so simple yet so magical. You just need a sky, a beautiful location and even a significant other by your side if your really lucky and you’ve got a perfect moment.
Everywhere I go, I always try to go watch the sunrise/set every simple day because it’s a tremendous and natural show and I love to honour the sun on a daily basis. I mean it’s doing a great job warming and lighting us so why not be grateful for it?


This one was a sunrise over the Parisian rooftops after a sleepless night ⛅️ Not too bad eh? 😀

Pet a dog
You can call me Brigitte Bargot – I’m not blond but I’m French, so that’s enough – because I love doggies.
Every time a dog walk past me in the street, I’ll look at him/her and start to make weird noises, saying way to much “aaaaaw” and maybe run at him/her to pet him/her.
And sometimes, when I stop talking to someone – because life happened – well, sometimes I miss the dog(s) even more then the person him/herself 🙊 I know, it might sound terrible but dogs are loyal no matter what and will always love you, no matter what.
No need to tell you I am often dreaming of that day when I’ll have my dogs 😍😍


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Aaand that’s when you realised you’ve got so many pics with dogs 🙊

Have brekkie
This is probably my favorite part of the day: having breakfast is the best! Eggs Benedict, pancakes, porridge… So many different mouth-watering food, I could have breakfast for every meal of the day! #yummy 😛


Fave brekkie eveeeer 🙈

Escape anywhere
I’m a lonely wolf from time to time and I like to get away, ideally in the wild – beaches, forests, mountains anything surrounded by nature will do. And sometime, I like to do it with people because as much as I like my “me times”, beautiful landscapes and unforgettable adventures are waaaay better when shared.

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Catch life with my Instax
What I love about that little beauty and the disposable camera I’ve got as well, is the instantness of the photographs. You cannot do a million take until you get the perfect pose, light, smile or whatever. You’ve got yourself some high quality pictures because of their imperfection.


And sometimes, the first shoot is perfect ♡

Smile to strangers
When you know where I come from, you also know smile is a really expensive thing over there. People will call you a weirdo and judge you massively if you ever try to make any contact with them on the street. That’s why I always wonder how I can be a Parisian when I nothing like that – except for the love of red lip stick and clothes but I manage not to care so much now.
Travelling for a while taught me many things and being nice to strangers is one of them. And I know how powerful a smile and kindness can be. It always brightens my day when someone I don’t know come and talk to me while waiting for a flight, in line at the Post office or in the supermarket’s aisle when I struggle to choose between red and green apples – there’re no small problems.
And smiling is one of my favourite anyway, so I hope I’ll never loose it ever again.

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Try new things
As little as new food or as big as a new activity, even if sometimes I fail massively – we all remember New Zealand 2016 when I almost die on my own mountain biking for the first time:


Ahem 😂
But eh, falling is learning and it’s part of the fun – believe it or not I’ve never cried for that one 😌💪🏼
So yeah, I attempt new things as much as possible, as often as possible.

Cook for people I love
If I ever cook you a meal, there’s a chance I like you a lot – or I was forced but we’ll never know 🙂
Playing the chef is one of my favorite activity and when it comes to cook a meal for persons I like I get super excited and can spend hours busy in the kitchen and don’t even mind the time because I love both the food and you – yes, food first, I’ve got priorities 😉


©Road to Adventure

Offer unexpected compliments
Talking about people I love, I like to compliment them about anything that comes to my mind, even random sh*t – handsomeness because I only have beautiful people around me 😜, deliciousness of what they cooked/brewed/baked…, curliness of their hair… anything really haha.
And when you know good it feels when you receive kind words like those, you should be generous about giving compliments first without expecting anything in return.

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Those are some of the people I’m lucky enough to have found on my road and yes they already know that 😘

Mallows by the fire
It can be during winter in the living room chimney or summer on the beach – the second one is definitely my absolute favorite – and always include a fire and some marshmallows.
I’m not that keen about sweets but mallows around a fire always make a lovely evening! And if you’ve got someone in hand playing guitar and some fresh beers and ciders*, you’ve got yourself everything reunited for a bloody good moment!
*Don’t drink too much tho, parsimony is the key kids 😌

Lame puns 
Those who know me enough know I love to play with words and had/have to bear my lame puns 😁 And the trickier they are, the most I like them!


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Fresh flowers in the house
There’s one thing I love above all when it comes to decoration: fresh flowers. Either from the shop or directly from the field next door, I like to have them around.


Beauties I use to wake up to for many mornings last year 😍

I have the feeling many people wait for the next big thing to be happy. “When I’ll have my new apartment / job / bf-gf…”, “When I’ll go there”… And so many people live in the future instead of enjoying the present and be happy with what they have now.
And I could be one of them because I’ve got so many life goals, so many projects, I could easily be trapped in that negative cercle, always dreaming about the future.
So since last April, when my life changed in an unexpected way, I’ve decided to live in the now and enjoy the little things as much as the big ones.

Enjoy your day lovers because ↓


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