I don’t know why, I’ve always felt rushed in life.

Rushed to finish and pass my degrees, rushed to get an apartment, rushed to find a perfect job, rushed to date an ideal man…

Rushed to get that perfect life everyone was hoping to reach asap.

It is most likely to come from my Parisian background: over there everything needs to be quick, there’s no time for losers and the social pressure is high. Most of the people are career driven and build their life around their success and the amount of money in their bank account.

So I was myself rushing to get everything sorted until that day, out of nowhere, I decided to leave home to travel the world. I left for very laid back countries, getting out of my comfort zone, doing stuff I thought I’d never do and yet I still felt rushed.

And I reckon that feeling never left me because of the people that kept pressuring me even when I was a thousand miles away from Paris.

“I mean, you’re 26 years-old and look at you: you’ve got no home, no real job, no husband, no kids, no family of your own… When are you going to end your holidays and come back to the real life?”

I must admit, even if I’m a strong woman, it used to get me very hard every time.

I used to feel down and ashamed of my life choices. I used to feel late on life and stressed out to waste anymore of my time living that nomad life.

After a year traveling, without even really noticing it because I was so influenced by all those youneedtogobacktoreallife people getting their preconceived ideas into my mind, I started to rush everything even more to prove them wrong and show the world I could have my life together.

That’s how, I rushed my ex romantic relationship and it blew to pieces, and then tried to rush my career because I’ve finally found what would be my dream job and jeopardised my new life I’ve just settled.

As I was still rushing through life, it’s only recently after an eye-opening naturopathic appointment, I’ve finally realised life isn’t a race. Everyone moves at its own pace and it’s perfect like that.

There’s no such things as real or perfect life. And more importantly, the time is ours and the life is ours to make whatever we want with it, without any deadline. I now know what I would love to do in life and I’m willing to take all the time I need to accomplish my dream at my own pace.

There’s no competition in life and my happiness should be my main preoccupation because it’s fine to be selfish and place myself first from time to time.

For the first time in my life, I am taking my time to live slowly and enjoy every moment.

I’m not overthinking my relationships, taking everything related very lightly and it’s very refreshing.

And don’t get me wrong: I still care, a lot, about my people but I’ve learned to live day by day and cherish the present better then stress out about a potential futur that may never happen.

So I’m looking forward to go back to my new home, finding a cute house to settle in for however long I’ll stay and not stressing out because of my visa running out – everything happens for a reason and that world is big enough.

I’m also really excited to share some quality time with the amazing peps I’ve met over there and enjoy the little things with them.

The best is yet to come ♡

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